Simplify Your Customer Support
for only $1 in the first month!

$1 for the first month

1 Website



  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Business Email Piping
  • 1 Year Update & Support
  • All Features Included

Most Popular

$1 for the first month

5 Websites



  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Business Email Piping
  • 1 Year Update & Support
  • All Features Included

$1 for the first month

100 Websites



  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Business Email Piping
  • 1 Year Update & Support
  • All Features Included
  • Regular Update
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, cancel anytime
  • Friendly Support

1 Website



  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Business Email Piping
  • Free Update
  • Premium Support
  • All Features Included

Most Popular

5 Websites



  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Business Email Piping
  • Free Update
  • Premium Support
  • All Features Included

100 Websites



  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Business Email Piping
  • Free Update
  • Premium Support
  • All Features Included
  • Regular Update
  • Competitive Features
  • Friendly Support

What Makes Support Genix Great?

Key Features for Building a Top-Notch Support System

  • Unlimited Tickets
  • Unlimited Agents
  • Email to Ticket
  • Custom Ticket Fields
  • Agent Roles & Permissions
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Envato Integration
  • Elite Licenser Integration
  • Incoming WebHook
  • Outgoing WebHook
  • Hotlink for Direct Access
  • Manage Email Notifications
  • Ticket Auto Assign Rules
  • Ticket Auto Close System
  • Data Analysis Reports
  • Many More…
Support Genix Overview

Top-tier Companies Put Their Trust in Our Platform

“I feel lucky to have run into Support Genix. It’s elegant, and super easy to set up and customize. I really like the user interface.”

Vivies, Support Genix User

Transform your customer support with this
exceptional solution and wow your users

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)